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What should be used to determine the belt speed when choosing a belt conveyor

by:YiFan Conveyor     2021-06-01
The belt loading conveyor is a kind of conveying equipment that many companies have. The equipment relies on the belt as a bearing part in the production and plays the role of continuous conveying of finished goods or bulk materials.   1. The conveying capacity per unit time is one of the standards for the selection of belt conveyors, and the main factor that determines the conveying capacity is the belt speed. Introduce some methods for selecting the belt speed of belt conveyors:    1) When the belt conveyor has a large conveying capacity and a wide conveyor belt, a higher belt speed should be selected.   2) For materials that are easy to roll, have large particle size, have strong abrasiveness, or are easy to raise dust, and require high environmental sanitation conditions, a lower belt speed should be selected.  3) The conveyor with a longer horizontal distance should choose a higher belt speed; if the conveying distance is short and the conveyor has a large inclination angle, the belt speed will be slower. The speed should be slower.  4) When the amount of conveying dust is large, the belt speed can be 0.8m/s~1m/s; or it can be determined according to the material characteristics and process requirements.  5) When weighing artificial ingredients, the belt speed should not be greater than 1.25m/s.  6) When using a plough unloader, the belt speed should not exceed 2.0m/s.  7) When using a dump truck, the belt speed should generally not exceed 2.5m/s; when conveying finely divided materials or small pieces of material, the allowable belt speed is 3.15m/s.   8) When there is a weighing scale, the belt speed should be determined according to the requirements of the automatic weighing scale.  9) When conveying finished objects, the belt speed is generally less than 1.25m/s.  Second, the principle of belt conveyor speed selection:   The belt speed of the belt conveyor is related to the belt width, conveying capacity, material properties, lumpiness and the line inclination of the conveyor.   When the conveyor is transporting upwards, the inclination angle is large, and the belt speed should be low; when transporting downwards, the belt speed should be even lower; when transporting horizontally, a high belt speed can be selected.  The determination of the belt speed should also consider the type of conveyor unloading device. When a plough unloader is used, the belt speed should not exceed 3.15m/s.
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So, what's a manufacturer to do? Familiarize ourselves with producing gravity roller conveyor in various technologies.
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