YiFan Conveyor - Conveyor Manufacturer and One-Stop Solution Service Provider for Truck Loading Conveyor and Flexible Roller Conveyor System.

Amplitude loading and unloading conveyer characteristic

by:YiFan Conveyor     2020-08-27
Features: 1. In order to move the field of cargo handling, easy operations. 2. In order to adapt to different height, can be in 0 28 degrees of freedom. 3. Can drive namely namely stop, positive and reverse operation, directly to the truck or warehouse. 4. Has suspended the front end of the telescopic scale electric machines can be stretching, make the goods transport and loading and unloading of goods. 5. 10 - delivery speed 40 m/min frequency adjustable, make the handling work more comfortable and fast. 6. Unloading conveyer belt conveyor with telescopic conveyor part can be combined or used separately.
The average consumer is always looking for ways to save money while finding out solutions, is designed for killing two birds with one stone, providing a perfect solution to flexible conveyor system problems.
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Deeper connections between Ningbo YiFan Conveyor Equipment Co.,Ltd and customers can be made when we're thinking out of the box and meeting outside of manufacturing work.
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