
YiFan Conveyor - Conveyor Manufacturer and One-Stop Solution Service Provider for Truck Loading Conveyor and Flexible Roller Conveyor System.


Tips for Choosing the Right 90 Degree Roller Conveyor for Your Business

by:YiFan Conveyor     2023-12-21

Tips for Choosing the Right 90 Degree Roller for Your Business


In today's fast-paced world, streamlining business operations is crucial to enhance efficiency and maximize productivity. One aspect that plays a significant role in material handling is choosing the right equipment. When it comes to moving products smoothly around corners or changing directions in your warehouse or manufacturing facility, a 90 degree roller conveyor can be an ideal solution. This article aims to provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you select the perfect 90 degree roller conveyor for your business needs.

Understanding the Functionality of a 90 Degree Roller

Before diving into the selection process, it is essential to understand the basic functionality of a 90 degree roller conveyor. As the name suggests, this type of conveyor is designed to facilitate a smooth 90 degree turn for your products. It consists of rollers placed at a specific angle, allowing items to change their direction seamlessly without manual intervention. These conveyors are commonly used in industries such as food processing, packaging, automotive, and logistics.

Assessing Your Business Requirements

The first step in choosing the right 90 degree roller conveyor is to assess your business requirements. Consider the type and size of products you will be handling, along with the expected load capacity. If you deal with heavy or bulky items, you will need a conveyor with robust construction and a higher load-bearing capacity. On the other hand, if your products are lightweight, a conveyor with smaller rollers and lower capacity may suffice. Understanding your specific requirements will help narrow down the options and ensure you choose a conveyor that can fulfill your business needs effectively.

Considering Available Space

Another crucial factor to consider when selecting a 90 degree roller conveyor is the available space in your facility. Take accurate measurements of the area where the loading conveyor will be installed, accounting for any obstacles or clearance requirements. This will help you determine the appropriate size and design of the conveyor, ensuring a seamless fit into your existing layout. The last thing you want is a conveyor that is too large for the available space or causes disruptions in your workflow due to poor planning.

Choosing the Right Roller Material

Roller conveyors are available in various materials, each with its unique properties. The selection of the right roller material depends on the type of products being transported and the operational environment. Some common roller materials include steel, aluminum, plastic, and stainless steel. Steel rollers offer excellent durability and strength, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications. Aluminum rollers are lightweight and corrosion-resistant, making them ideal for industries with high humidity or moisture levels. Plastic rollers provide a non-marking solution and are often used for gentle product handling. Stainless steel rollers are best suited for environments that require sanitary conditions, such as the food and beverage industry. Understanding the advantages and limitations of each roller material will help you make an informed decision.

Evaluating Speed and Noise

The speed at which the conveyor operates is an essential consideration. The speed should be optimized to ensure efficient material handling while preventing any product damage. Faster conveyors may be suitable for high-volume operations, while slower speeds are recommended for delicate or fragile items. Additionally, noise levels should be taken into account, especially if the conveyor will be located near workstations or in a noise-sensitive environment. The use of noise reduction measures, such as acoustic enclosures or sound-absorbing materials, may be necessary to maintain a comfortable working environment.

Reviewing Safety Features

Ensuring the safety of your employees and products is of paramount importance in any business operation. When selecting a 90 degree roller conveyor, it is crucial to review the available safety features. Look for features such as emergency stop buttons, guards, and safety interlocks to prevent accidents and injuries. Additionally, consider the ease of maintenance and the availability of spare parts to minimize downtime and ensure smooth operation. Prioritizing safety will not only protect your employees but also safeguard your business from potential liabilities.

Tailoring the to your Workflow

Every business has unique workflows and requirements. To optimize efficiency, it is essential to choose a 90 degree roller loading conveyor that can be easily integrated into your existing system. Look for customizable options that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. manufacturers often offer various accessories and add-ons to enhance functionality, such as merge units, diverts, and accumulation zones. Collaborate with conveyor experts who can provide customized solutions based on your workflow, ensuring seamless integration and streamlined operations.


Choosing the right 90 degree roller conveyor for your business involves careful consideration of your specific requirements, available space, roller materials, speed, noise levels, safety features, and workflow integration. By following the tips and insights provided in this article, you can make an informed decision that will enhance your material handling processes, improve productivity, and ultimately contribute to the success of your business. Remember that investing time and effort in selecting the right conveyor upfront will yield long-term benefits and a significant return on investment.

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container loading machine gravity roller conveyor is slower than container loading machine but has a number of special applications, such as for container loading machine.
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