
YiFan Conveyor - Conveyor Manufacturer and One-Stop Solution Service Provider for Truck Loading Conveyor and Flexible Roller Conveyor System.


The Advantages of 90 Degree Conveyors in Mining Operations

by:YiFan Conveyor     2023-12-14

The Advantages of 90 Degree Conveyors in Mining Operations


Conveyors have long been an integral part of mining operations, providing a reliable and efficient method of transporting materials. One type of conveyor that has gained popularity in recent years is the 90-degree conveyor. Unlike traditional straight conveyors that move materials in a linear fashion, 90-degree conveyors are capable of changing direction to transport materials at a right angle. This article explores the advantages of using 90-degree conveyors in mining operations and how they can enhance productivity and safety.

Enhancing Efficiency and Throughput:

Increased Flexibility

The ability of 90-degree conveyors to change direction offers increased flexibility in mining operations. With traditional conveyors, materials often need to be manually transferred from one conveyor to another when direction changes are required. This manual handling not only slows down the production process but also increases the risk of accidents and injuries. In contrast, 90-degree conveyors eliminate the need for manual transfers, allowing for a seamless flow of materials from one process to another. This enhanced flexibility not only saves time but also increases overall efficiency and throughput.

Streamlined Layout

In mining operations, space is often limited, making it crucial to maximize every square foot. 90-degree conveyors enable a streamlined layout, as they can be strategically placed to optimize space utilization. By efficiently navigating around existing equipment or obstacles, these conveyors contribute to a more compact operation. The ability to transport materials at right angles enables miners to efficiently utilize available space while maintaining an organized and clutter-free working environment.

Safety and Ergonomics:

Reduced Manual Labor

Manual handling of materials is a physically demanding and potentially hazardous task in mining operations. By using 90-degree conveyors, the need for manual material transfers is greatly reduced. This minimizes the risk of injuries associated with heavy lifting and repetitive motions, ultimately creating a safer workplace for employees. Reducing manual labor not only decreases the likelihood of accidents but also promotes better ergonomics, leading to improved worker satisfaction and increased productivity.

Mitigated Material Spillage

Another advantage of 90-degree conveyors in mining operations is their ability to mitigate material spillage. Traditional conveyors often experience spillage at transfer points when materials are manually transferred from one loading conveyor to another. This spillage can lead to material loss, increased maintenance requirements, and safety hazards. 90-degree conveyors eliminate the need for manual transfers, reducing the chances of spillage and associated issues. With a seamless transition between loading conveyor sections, miners can run their operations more smoothly, preventing unnecessary disruptions and minimizing maintenance costs.

Cost-Effectiveness and Sustainability:

Energy Efficiency

Energy consumption is a significant cost consideration in mining operations. 90-degree conveyors offer energy-efficient alternatives to traditional systems. With the ability to transport materials throughout the operation using fewer motors and drives, these conveyors minimize energy requirements, resulting in cost savings for mining companies. Additionally, some 90-degree conveyors come equipped with advanced control systems that optimize power usage, further enhancing energy efficiency.


90-degree conveyors have proven to be valuable assets in mining operations due to their various advantages. Increased flexibility, streamlined layout, reduced manual labor, mitigated material spillage, and energy efficiency are just a few of the benefits they offer. By incorporating 90-degree conveyors into their operations, mining companies can enhance productivity, improve worker safety, optimize space utilization, and reduce overall costs. With these advantages in mind, it is clear that 90-degree conveyors are playing a vital role in transforming the mining industry.

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